Here we are again

So, my last post was more than a year and so much has happened since then, lets start at the beginning…

Last July (2017) I, crazy enough decided I wanted to take that leap of faith and take a class I NEVER thought I ever could, I went to BARTENDING school!! It was the most fun, interesting, and easiest class ive ever taken! I met incredible people who are now my very close friends and I actually learned to make drinks hahaha, img_7040

I later worked as a bartender in a local bar here in my town and it was so much fun, I got to meet a lot of people, have my own regulars and even create some of my own drinks, I loved it but unfortunately they had to shut down, i see that as a blessing in disguise, I made some money to help with the bills and then I got to stay back at home with my husband and my girl, it truly is the little things that count,img_7258

Also right after summer, i started noticing some white spots on my hand, i first thought it was just the sun, or tan spots that were not tanned enough, but i think inside of me I already knew, I was the lucky daughter that inherited my dad’s condition of VITILIGO, i say “lucky” because I now see my spots as a special mark, something only my dad and I have in common, and yes it was super weird at first because it spread super fast, on my body, my hands, my feet and some spots on my face, yet my husband and my daughter dont see a difference and now, neither do I.

So here we are, 2 days away from Thanksgiving, running all over the place to find the best ingredients for the perfect dishes, ready to spend our first Thanksgiving with my inlaws. And you know, life may be a little hard sometimes when I feel that people keep staring or pointing at me, but those spots dont define me, they dont make me better or worse person. They make me Thankful, thankful for the love I still have even with my spots. 20181103_143030

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